The Competition Rules
The competition rules perfectly reflect what is essential in sea fly fishing: seeing the fish and casting accurately to it as soon as possible.
That's why the competition is based on time.
There are two races, one for no. 8 and one for no. 12 weight fly rods.
You must register individually online on the race page for each race. A start list for each race is available on an ongoing basis.
For the Eight race, there are three age categories for men and women under 15, 16-69, and over 70. For Race Twelve, there is only a category for men and women 16 and over.
Prizes will be continually refined depending on what sponsors we can get for the race. What is certain is that the overall winner (regardless of gender and age) in the no. 8 and no. 12 races will be awarded a Shilton saltwater reel. You can learn more about the most used sea reels here.
Contestants may bring their own rod of the specified no. 8 or no. 12 weight. All contestants must use the provided leader and fly without a hook. A 20-lb fluoro leader of 1.5 m will be used for no. 8 and an 80-lb leader for no. 12. Contestants may try casting and advise if enough space is available. Everyone has two attempts at each event, the better result counts.
The competition attempt begins with the competitor reeling out the line and preparing the fly to be placed on the starting line. The competitor may stand anywhere behind the starting line. The time begins to run when the silhouette of the fish appears. For no. 8, it will be a 50 cm triggerfish, and for no. 12, it will be a 1 m Giant Trevally.
The competitor must cast the fly into the illuminated circle in front of the fish silhouette. Time stops the moment the fly hits the circle area. In case of an inaccurate cast, further casts will continue until the fly is placed in the circle.
The competition is held during all four days of the fair. Results are published continuously both on-site on a TV and on all websites where the "live results" service has been placed. ORGSU's registration and results technology generates the registration, start list, and results service. These services are available free of charge to any site that expresses interest.